How To Clean Leather Sofa?

Leather Sofa

Have you ever looked at your beautiful leather sofa and saw a strange stain on it after a movie marathon with the kids and wonder how it got there? Whether it’s a pizza sauce spill, a drop of soda or the regular dirt that accumulates on furniture, our expert guide will help you reverse the clock on your leather furniture. Let’s take a look at some of the best tips for leather sofa cleaning.

How to Clean A Leather Sofa At Home? Tips Before Getting Started

The Do’s

Cleaning and maintaining your leather sofa: Let’s start it with the right approach. Here are some of the ways that you can take care of your furniture; One of the most effective of them is vacuuming the sofa frequently but gently. However, it is advisable to use the soft brush while vacuuming as this can help to prevent this from happening.

This attachment is specifically designed to pick up dust, crumbs, and other small debris without scratching the leather surface, which is more delicate than fabric upholstery.

There are other preventive measures that are advisable: It is recommended to apply a particular cleaning agent on a hidden part of your sofa before applying it to the visible parts. However, there is always a potential cleaner damaging a leather item or causing it to transfer color even if the cleaner is advertised to be safe for leather material.

A spot test needs to be done to ensure that the cleaning solution is effective; one way of doing this is rubbing the solution on a small inconspicuous area such as the back or under part of the upholstery.

This serves the purpose of making assurance that the product won’t harm the rest of the piece when applied, thus making unattractive stains or bodiless marks on it. Follow these careful tips and you will be able to maintain your leather sofa in good form and avoid some common cleaning disasters.

Leather Sofa Cleaning

The Don’ts

If a person has a leather sofa it is important that they should have the necessary information of how to take care of it and what to avoid. The first measure that should be avoided is use of chemical substances in the synthesis process.

Any kind of cleaning solution that has ammonia or bleach mixed in should not be used at any cost because they are highly destructive to the leather used in the furniture.

These substances also reduce on the natural skin oils that help the leather material remain soft, moist, and shimmering, but rather makes it become dry, brittle, and stained. Rather, use cleaning agents that are made for use in cleaning leather since they do their work effectively while ensuring that the material is safeguarded.

Also, there are recommendations against the overuse of water as well as various warnings and precautions. When cleaning up the face, it might seem wiser to use water to thoroughly wash the face since skin is easily moisturized but leather does not quickly react to the moisture well. With regard to the oversaturation, there can be unpurposeful stains on the material and the weakening of the leather due to changes in its structure.

It is extremely important to clean your leather sofa properly and you should not use water because it will damage the sofa painfully, instead, damp a cloth slightly and wipe over the surface.

It helps to clean the leather furniture and at the same time avoid soaking and ruining the leather fabric because my main aim is to clean the furniture without even causing any stains, dust or spillage to affect the fabric.

How To Clean Leather Sofa Professionally

To clean a leather couch professionally involves nothing but a few simple techniques depending on the scale of cleaning you want to go for. Following are a few remedies to look at. For better results, it is advisable to consult a professional sofa cleaning service.

Professional Leather Sofa Cleaning

Natural Remedies To Clean Leather Sofa

Vinegar and Olive Oil Mix

To some extent, based on the degree of soiling, you can decide to make a vinegar and olive oil mixture at home to clean your leather sofa and also moisturize it. Place an equal amount of white vinegar and useful olive oil in a mixing bowl. Proceed to dampen a soft cloth with the solution prepared earlier and wring the cloth before rubbing the surface area of the furniture with the wet leather material on it.

This mixture proves to be miraculous since it cleans the material taking off all the stains, at the same time, the olive oil moisturizes this type of sofa making it soft with a sheen touch after the application of the mixture. Remember to do a patch test on this mixture on a small area on this leather sofa so that you can see if it will cause any negative effects on the leather. 

Baking Soda for Oil Stains

Baking soda is a powerhouse for tackling greasy stains on your leather sofa. If you notice an oil stain, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda directly on the affected area. The baking soda works by absorbing the oil, lifting it out of the leather. Allow the baking soda to sit on the stain overnight for optimal results.

The next day, vacuum up the baking soda gently with a brush attachment, ensuring all residue is removed. This method is particularly useful for fresh spills, helping to prevent permanent staining without using harsh chemicals.

Lemon Juice and Cream of Tartar Mix

Lemon juice and cream of tartar are useful gentle bleaching agents since lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent which can effectively deal with the darker stains on light coloured leather sofas.

To scratch off the paint, use the Lemon Juice and Cream of Tartar mix in equal proportion to prepare a paste. Rub this paste right onto the stained area and allow it remain for about 10 minutes. This mixture can assist in lightening the dark stains while avoiding equally dark results that can be brought about by stronger bleaching agents. 

After that it is wiped off with a wet wipe or cloth and then it is pat with a soft towel. It is recommended to put conditioner in order to maintain the softness of the material and avoid such problems as drying or formation of the cracks.

Similar to all cleaning methods, applying the solution to the affected areas without the surrounding skin first is advisable to check for possible negative reactions on the outer part of the leather’s finish. 

Sofa Deep Cleaning Tips

For a thorough annual cleaning, here's how to get professional results at home:

  • Choose the Right Cleaner: If it is necessary, use a recommended leather cleaner that can be purchased at a good store, and always use a microfiber cloth when cleaning it.
  • Condition After Cleaning: For the last step, it is recommended to use a high-quality penetrative leather conditioner to ensure the softness of the leather and avoid cracks.
  • Pre-Clean with a Vacuum: This could involve using a soft brush to vacuum the sofa before applying any cleaner on the surface of the furniture. This just clears the exterior grime and grit so they are unable to penetrate the leather when washing it.
  • Use Circular Motions: In the process of applying the cleaner or conditioner, it is advisable to make curved movements as opposed to hull movements. The following technique is useful in achieving uniform coverage of the product without stressing the leather.
  • Focus on High Contact Areas: Specific areas that should be paid close attention to include the surfaces of the sofa that are used most frequently like the armrests, headrests and the seats in particular the seat cushions. These areas might have to be rewashed or treated again so that you see the Appearance & feel of the Regular Tiles.
  • Let the Leather Dry Naturally: Also, refrain from drying it with a towel as this may lead to a sticking together. Simply let it dry at room temperature after washing. Do not use such equipment like the blow dryer since they may ruin the surface of the leather causing it to expand or shrink.
  • Protective Finishing: If your sofa has become dry after a long time, it is advisable to take it in for conditioning, or ask for conditioning at a leather expert, and then apply a leather protectant to provide the leather furniture with the necessary sheath against UV rays, body oils, and spills. Attested this, it can go a long way in ensuring that you do not have to replace your sofa soon because of excessive wear and tears.

How To Ensure Long Lasting Age of A Leather Sofa

Leather Sofa Care

Keep It Out of Sunlight

The third measure that you ought to take if you wish to enhance the durability of your leather sofa is in relation to avoiding direct sunlight. Direct sunlight excellently spoils and bleaches leather and any item made from it, and when this action is performed with UV-rays,

It accelerates the process even more. Placing your sofa you should arrange in a way that they might not receive the direct sunlight perhaps in the areas near the doors or windows or by installing blinds and curtains. This not only preserves the look of the leather but also it functionality in a way that makes sense to the user. 

Regular Conditioning

Conditioning, therefore, has to be done on regular basis in order to check the leather skin from cracking, which occur when it becomes too dry. Sis once every 6-12 months for a high quality skin conditioner that replaces the skin oils lost overtime. 

This routine care makes the leather more resilient, ensuring it remains soft and flexible. It's particularly important in environments that are either too dry or where the sofa is exposed to frequent use.

Use Proper Cleaning Techniques

Regular practice of cleaning leather sofas also help in increasing the durability of the leather sofa and this is considered worthy to be followed. It is always recommended to use products that will be recognised for the cleaning of leathers, first of all, and second of all, do this gently using a soft and clean cloth. Pg 77: Do not use much water or anything that will harm the surface of the item such as scrapers.

Taking time to clean your sofa plays a key role in ensuring that the skin does not wear out resulting from oils and dirt. By applying such measures, you can keep your leather furniture in the best state, maintaining its perfect looks for some time in the future. 

Minimize Contact with Abrasives

In addition to avoiding sunlight and using the right cleaning methods, it's also important to protect your leather sofa from abrasive materials that can cause scratches and scuffs. This includes things like metal buttons, belts, and pet claws.

Do not allow the guests to bring things such as chappals that can leave a bad impression on the furniture or cause further spoiling, if you have pet animals then better use the cushions or the covers to protect the furniture.


Proper care should not be intimidating when dealing with leather sofas so here are some helpful tips. By following these simple tips to clean leather sofa, even though they are not daily activities, you can effectively maintain your furniture, thus making it remain as appealing and comfortable as the first day you bought it.

Remember, it’s not just the leather sofa that you are cleaning; it is a piece of furniture that forms the central attraction and symbolizes the concern and value that you have in the enhancement of the living space. 

Learn How To Clean Your Sofa